Matthew 24:38-39
"For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man." 

In Matthew 24, we get a glimpse into what it will look like when Christ comes back for those who believe. In these verses I have quoted above we read Jesus comparing the return to the time if Noah. Verse 38 says that everyone was living as normal and the only odd thing was probably that Noah was building an ark. I believe everyone just ignored it after a while because they saw him as a crazy guy who thinks God told him to build something. Then, Noah entered the ark with his family and all the animals God had sent to him because he walked with God and knew what God said was truth. God said there was going to be a flood and Noah believed and did as God instructed him. The other people were unaware of the warning because they ignored God. They lived as they wanted and did not listen to the Lord or follow his lead in their lives. They were disconnected and did not know a flood was about to destroy them even though they were warned by God through Noah. 

Matthew 24:44 says, "Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect." Having just studied and taught thee story of Noah it made these verses mean so much more to me. I took the time to sit down and really reflect the character of Noah and the truth that can be seen through the flood. 

I encourage everyone reading this to go to Genesis 6 and read about the flood taking time to really reflect on it and not just read it as another story which can so easily happen. 

God saw Noah as righteous and wanted to save his life since he wanted to destroy the world because their was so much violence and evil doing. God heard the warning from the Lord, listened to his directions and built an ark for him and his family. As God directed him, he got on the ark, the waters came and destroyed everything on the earth that had the breath of life in it. 

God sent Jesus to earth as our Savior. He walked the earth and taught those who would listen, performed miracles, and ended up fulfilling the will of God by dying on the cross and then raising from the dead 3 days later. He ascended into heaven where he told the disciples he was going to prepare a place for them. We today have the Bible to read and to study and the privilege to talk to God through prayer. It is very clear that if you believe in the name of Jesus and that he died to pay the debt that we owe we will spend eternity in heaven. And for those that do not believe will spend eternity in hell. God has told us, we know that someday Christ is coming back and that everyone is going to one of two places. Some people, like Noah, believe and decide to serve God till the day they die or until the return of Christ. Others laugh and think we are crazy for believing what the Bible says and for saying things like "God told me...". Just like in the time of Noah, some believe and walk with god while others reject him and his warnings as to what is to come. 

We do not know the day of the return of Christ, but God says it is coming and I believe. We are instructed to be ready in verse 44 and my question is are you ready? If Jesus were to come back this very moment where would you spend eternity? I was reminded yesterday that you never know when your last day on this earth may be and honestly I want to be right with the Lord when I die. You never know when your last chance may be to share the love of Christ with someone. There are a lot of unknowns but what I do know is that Jesus is coming back someday and I am ready for his return. Don't waste any opportunities that you are given to share the Gospel with a family member, friend, coworker, or random stranger. Allow Christ to shine through you whether by actions and words. If you don't acknowledge Jesus to be your personal savior and as the one who died on the cross for your sins so that you don't have to die, I ask that you really examine your life and allow Jesus to become your everything. He is the King and he gave up his life for you, really that is remarkable. Without Christ we are dead like those who rejected God and did not get on the ark. Chose Christ today! 

After reflecting on this passage, my prayer is that I will be more sensitive to,the leading of the Spirit and that I would be bold in sharing the Gospel with everyone God puts in my path and gives me the opportunity too. Who is God putting in my path today? Who is he putting in your path? 

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