Luke 7:50
"And he said to the woman, 'Your faith has saved you; go in peace'." 

The time is coming very close that I will be getting on a plane and leaving Kenya. After my time in Montana I will then be heading home. This simple verse has a great reminder in it for me at this time in my life and maybe for you in your life. 

We are reading about the woman who is known to be a sinner. The Pharisee said that if Jesus knew what type of woman she was, he would not let her touch his feet. Jesus then gives tells a story to make a point that this woman might have been a sinner but she acknowledges her depravity and seeks the Lord. She wipes his feet with her tears and hair, kisses his feet and puts an ointment on his feet as well. She was willing to take a low position before Jesus because she knew that he was the Son of God. Jesus concludes saying that her faith has saved her.

Notice that Jesus did not say, "your act of service has saved you". I am finishing up my time of training and serving over seas for a time of 9 months. After a month of re-entry in Montana, I will serve for two months at my church, Towamencin Mennonite Church. When I return home I need to return home in a spirit of humility. It would be so easy for me to see myself as better then some of my friends and peers because I have been doing missions work for the past six months in Kenya. It would be easy to me to enter into the mind set that I have earned my way to Heaven, I have earned salvation. 

God makes it very clear several times in the Bible that salvation is not earned but comes when you believe. Romans 10:9 says, "because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved". It doesn't matter what I do while on this earth; what matters is that I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is God's Son. Eternity in heaven isn't based on what you do but what your heart says. Faith is what saves you. Faith in Jesus is what bare tees eternal life in Heaven. Faith is what gives us hope and faith is what gives us a desire to serve God while on this earth. We don't need to do good things, we just need to believe. 

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